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Is my friend busy or ignoring me

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Is my friend busy or ignoring me Empty Is my friend busy or ignoring me

Post by Gotoku 2017 Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:41 pm

I've been feeling really down this week as its starting to dawn on me that one of my best friends might be ignoring me. She is normally not a fast texter taking a day recently to reply. but its been like 3 days since she replied to my messages which included me messaging her last night asking if she was still free next week. I see her still log in to facebook at times. For the oast few weeks we had been trying to sort a plan to go out to the ciyy with anther of her friends but for unknown reasons it never went anywhere

The last time she replied was on tuesday just after i had tagged her in some funny marvel stuff on facebook. That said the last time we spoke she did ask me if i wanted to meet next week or after I come back from my holiday. This was after i first asked if she was free anytime soon since this city plan was going np where. Plus she did mention something last week about possibly starting a new job very soon. So i can imagine she was busy with that.

Tbh i know its just mainly my anxiety playing on me but still i cant help but worry. I had a bad experience when a old friend who just dropped all contact with me a few years ago. Plus I'm just a bit stressed with work and some other stuff. I gues im looking for ideas on how to stop overthinking and just be more chill about the whole thing.
Sorry for the wall of text

Gotoku 2017

Posts : 21
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Join date : 2017-06-01

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Is my friend busy or ignoring me Empty Re: Is my friend busy or ignoring me

Post by Enail Fri Oct 05, 2018 4:55 pm

It sounds like she might well just be busy. Either way, over-thinking or prodding her more out of anxiety won't help things. Maybe it'd help to distract yourself by reaching out to some different friends, or by doing something towards meeting some new people?

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Is my friend busy or ignoring me Empty Re: Is my friend busy or ignoring me

Post by Gotoku 2017 Fri Oct 05, 2018 5:24 pm

Yea she ended up replying to me about a hour after i wrote this saying she was busy with her new job but could meet up after I got back from my holiday. Yea I think it was just other stuff lead me to overthinking it all

Gotoku 2017

Posts : 21
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2017-06-01

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